Valk Exclusief Hotel Middelburg provides 20 Valk Energy charging stations, which are located on the other side of the hotel. The charging stations are equipped with a fixed charging cable, it is not possible to use a separate cable of your own.
You must register with your charge card, if your charge card does not work, it may be that it is not yet accepted by our supplier.
We also offer 8 Tesla Super chargers, version 3 (with a charging speed of 250 kW). This is the first Tesla charging point in the Zeeland region, easily plan your route here.
Note: Not all types of Tesla cars are suitable for our charging station. The current Tesla car models X and Model S now come standard with an adapter. You can have the older X and S models updated at your Tesla dealer so that your car is also suitable for these new fast charging stations. The new fast charging stations are not visible on the charge card if you have an older model.